Things that puzzle me

In no particular order:

1) Why do people have comment moderation for blogs about cookery, books, photography and other presumably inoffensive subjects?

I can’t work out whether it is paranoia, over-inflated sense of self-importance or some strange form of blog management whereby having to approve a comment means they will never miss one. Most bizarre indeed. And also frustrating for readers.

2) Why do people oppose gender neutral language? This is the 21st century. We have had women in police forces for some considerable time. For goodness sake, we even have them in the armed forces now, so why are total morons referring to police officers as policemen and then justifying such use of sexist language?

The reason we have gender neutral language such as police officers (do watch Hot Fuzz if you haven’t seen it) instead of policeman, and firefighters instead of fireman, is that society is actually beginning to recognise that women can and do perform these functions too.

Just as when I chair a meeting, I do not accept being called a chairman. Even wiki mentions a reference to a chair as a person in a position of authority back in the seventeenth century. The origins are primarily religious/academic, so it follows there would have been no need to specify the holder was a man …

As someone who has worked professionally as a writer (and public relations manager) since leaving university, I do get mildly miffed by people telling me that words are not important. Words and our use of language are extremely important, that’s one reason why people get paid money for getting them right. Or as right as we can.

The reason why using the term policeman, fireman, postman etc as a generic term is offensive is because it assumes the person carrying out the work is a man. It excludes the concept that women might or are also doing that work. By continuing to perpetuate the idea that the default is male and a woman in the job is the exception—or not even there—we continue to reinforce the inequity (or iniquity?) within our society.

In reverse, how often do you read about ‘a male nurse’? Because the expectation, even though nurse is gender neutral, is that a nurse is a woman. Gender shouldn’t come into it. A nurse is a nurse. When I was in hospital last year, there was an interesting mix. Not quite 50:50, but probably 40:60 men to women. A far cry from 40 or 50 years ago when I was a kid in hospital and a male nurse was unheard of.

Times change and so does language, we may not agree with some changes but we should accept they are here to stay.

If it’s generally recognised that nigger, slopey and slanty-eyed chink are offensive, why is there such a resistance to gender neutral language?

3) Why do (some) bloggers have such transparent double standards? I’m probably guilty of this too, but some of it is so blatant.

The religious ones are the obvious ones here.

Commenter A goes off-topic. S/he is not of the same viewpoint as the religious blogowner so gets remonstrated with for going off-topic.

Commenter B is religious and goes off-topic, so clearly that is acceptable.

Commenter C (not religious) replies to something by B and is also told off for going off topic, despite replying to a question originally asked by the ‘approved’ Commenter B.

Commenter D insults someone. D is told off and threatened with moderation/banning because natch, D is not religious.

Commenter E (religious) insults someone (not religious). Blogowners response? Oh it’s good to see you again, Brother (or such similar twaddle).

And finally, got to love our religious brothers and sisters for giving us material to write about, blogowner F accuses me of lying without any proof at all. Merely an (incorrect) assumption. There’s no need for that on a public forum.

4) Today I got a request to fill in an opinion poll. There is an election this year. Will I vote for the GSD (right of centre) or the GSLP/Liberal Alliance (left of centre)?

Two options. No more.

Where was the don’t know/haven’t decided box?

How can I decide before I have read the manifestos? Yes, I do read them.

Why assume I am going to vote for one or the other? We have ten votes, and ten candidates for each party, so I could split my vote if I chose. Does that mean I should tick both boxes?

What about, I’m not going to vote, they are all a bunch of shysters, same tricks just different faces? Where was that box?

I’m not sure a badly thought out ‘poll’ like that deserves my time.

5) Heard this morning. Two Rumanians painting a flat for six pounds an hour between them. ie three pounds an hour each.

Minimum wage in Gib is five pounds something. Craft rate is £7.69. Firms normally charge out at £27/35 an hour (and pay craft rate or less). Flat rental starts at approx £700 a month. You’d only have to work 233 hours a month to pay rent. That’s nearly sixty hours a week. Then there are bills and food on top of that.

Charging, what in Gib, is not enough to live on unless you are hot bedding or squatting and starving yourself to death, is ridiculous. All it does is drag down the rate for everyone else. I’m not sure who is the worst, the person gleefully paying such a cheap rate, or the ones charging it. Next, people will be paying for the privilege of working. Sort of like buying an apprenticeship I suppose.

But at the other extreme, an acquaintance was looking up painting prices and found a template. To paint a door with one coat only was £35 a side. The last doors Partner painted, got two coats of paint and he charged £20 for one side. Seventy would have been very nice.

And finally, on maths. Another painter had priced some doors. They were new doors, so he was looking at three coats of paint, both sides. He priced them at £100. He didn’t get the job. But the killer here is, there were ten doors. The client asked the painter how much the total would be because he couldn’t work out 10 x 100 …

People puzzle me.

About roughseasinthemed

I write about my life as an English person living in Spain and Gibraltar, on Roughseas, subjects range from politics and current developments in Gib to book reviews, cooking and getting on with life. My views and thoughts on a variety of topics - depending on my mood of the day - can be found over on Clouds. A few pix are over on Everypic - although it is not a photoblog. And of course my dog had his own blog, but most of you knew that anyway. Pippadogblog etc
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58 Responses to Things that puzzle me

  1. 1. – So far as the comment moderation goes- most people do it to prevent trolls and other unpleasant types leaving nasty, unwarranted comments for all and sundry to see, sometimes video links of said same, for who knows how long before you’re able to get back onto your blog and delete them. Allowing them the freedom to publish and reach all your readers instantly is not something everyone is keen on. Myself for one. The other reason I do it is because for me the comments are a conversation which I like to take part in at the time, if that makes sense? So when someone leaves one, I publish it when I am answering them. I just prefer it that way.

    2. – Why do people oppose gender neutral language? – Because they are afraid of change, for a huge amount of reasons I think.

    3. – My head is spinning with the a, b’s and c’s, so I’ll need to look at the example a little close later on.

    4 – Where was the don’t know/haven’t decided box? – and the rest, I absolutely agree tsk.

    5 – The client asked the painter how much the total would be because he couldn’t work out 10 x 100 …- Hahahahaha

    – sonmi upon the Cloud

    Liked by 1 person

    • 1) I’ve found Akismet extremely good at detecting trolly comments. I think only a handful have ever got past. But I’m online most days, so it’s always easy enough to check.

      Regarding the conversation, as a commenter, it’s nice to read what’s been said before and maybe respond to one of those, and, also, it’s nice to not repeat someone els’s comment and maybe add something new. You can’t do that if x number of comments are hanging in mod. Each to our own etc.

      2) Yes. And because it challenges their beliefs/core values, which is certainly one reason.

      3) Basically, religious bloggers have double standards, criticising non-believers for one thing while letting the same pass for believers.

      4) I’m going to use the reverse for shopping lists. It’s conveniently sized paper.

      5) But it’s not funny. One of the basics I learned was ten times is easy, stick a nought on the end. Another convo this week was about someone paying around £100,000 in rent over ten years (tens again!). So I said, it must have been around £800 a month. Everyone should be able to do basic sums like that in their head.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Anonymous says:

        The spam filter does not always work, I found this out early on before I changed to moderating. It bugged Doobster quite a lot too as I recall. I’ve had a stalker previous to the Cloud as well, so that makes a difference too.

        Serous points are often funny, it just depends upon the language used in the first place – how it is interpreted. . The line made me laugh. The point you are making I also get..

        – s.u.t.C


  2. Wendy Kate says:

    I don’t remember setting any comment moderation, but new commenters seem to need my approval.I have found WordPress folk generally to be very supportive!
    I am not voting in Spain because I am too lazy to read manifestos in Spanish and won’t vote without having read them.
    Oh yes, and i LOVED Hot Fuzz 🙂


    • I think I set one blog for first comment approval, maybe this one as I am more controversial on here? But dog blogs, gardening blogs, etc comment mod all the time? When half the comments are, ‘great post’?

      I’ve not voted in Spanish locals even though we are empadronarsed. It all sounded too difficult, and there was a real fuss in our part of the world when a load of guiris tried to vote (also empad) and were refused. Very nasty.

      So many options. Andaluz Party? Left coalition? Straight left? I’m not PP. I won’t even start on my view of Rajoy, who seemed quite reasonable in opposition 😦

      Liked by 1 person

      • Wendy Kate says:

        Podemos seems to be a growing thing here and I know a few people who are getting involved. Mostly young and keen for change which maybe is a good thing 😉


        • Change would be good, but breaking into an entrenched political system is virtually impossible these days. In 2006 Gib got a new party, a breakaway of the GSD, the PDP. It folded in 2013, we’re back to a two horse race.

          Liked by 1 person

      • Totty says:

        Being on the Padron is not sufficient to vote, you need to be a registered resident, so I doubt you and Partner qualify. Once on the Electoral Roll, the voting cards come through the post just as they do for the Spanish. Support for Podemos seems to be growing at a rate that has the local PP worried, as they have shuffled their list and have 6 EU nationals out of 12 candidates in an attempt to capture the foreign votes.


        • Thanks for that Totty. As I’ve never tried to vote in Spain, I’m pretty unclued up on that one. Plus it’s only ever local elections as I understand. Here in Gib, Brits get to vote for everything. For what it’s worth.

          PP should be worried.


  3. siriusbizinus says:

    2 – I don’t get opposing gender neutral language, either. Honestly, I just think it’s laziness. They don’t want to use a different word than the one that first pops into their heads. After the “Hot Fuzz” reference, I am wanting to call cops “policeman officers” now.

    3 – Sometimes I think I have a double standard, which is why I try to actively give religious people commenting on my blog a more lenient, standardized approach. And you know what? Despite being held to a higher standard, secular people commenting on my blog have yet to insist on going off-topic and ranting like the religious folks do.


    • I don’t think it’s laziness. I think it’s obstinacy, or as sonmi says, resistance to change for whatever reason, and if it challenges (religious, patriarchal) beliefs, then it challenges a view of life. After seeing Hot Fuzz, I’ve struggled not to think policemanofficer every time I see one in the street.

      I think you have a really ‘moderate’ blog. It’s very courteous and polite. I don’t mind off topic on my blogs, and if people want to chat away, that’s fine by me, so long as they are friendly. I think going off at a total tangent on a personal rant or a load of name-calling is unacceptable.

      But I rarely get that. I do however, consider, when I visit other blogs, that religious bloggers are duplicitous. And I was seriously pissed off to be called a liar by some sanctimonious jumped-up fuckwit. And these people want to convert people to their spooky point of view? I think not.

      Liked by 1 person

      • siriusbizinus says:

        On the plus side, if you’re getting called a liar, you’re doing something right. I remember InsanityBites, Wally, and I53:5 had thrown that out there at me at some point. Really, if they’re resorting to name calling, they’ve got nothing.

        And I used to not mind off topic conversations on my blog. Then I had to deal with religious bloggers insisting on changing topics repeatedly.


        • Actually it was Wally who called me a liar. And when I said no, he persisted. It wasn’t about anything heavily religious though. It was because Ark and I were flippantly commenting on the same post and Wally seemed to think we had conspired together. Well, no, we both just happened to hit on the same thoughtless stupid post. And as people do, in blogland we commented off each other. I mean tell me, is that unusual?
          I can cite loads of blogs where that happens.

          Mind you, that’s a trio from hell. So to speak. You forgot Citizen Tom and CS of course. I stupidly folllowed an Ark link to David. I’ve now got a headache.

          Can you see why some of us want to call these people off the wall barking mad? Unlike you.

          Liked by 2 people

          • siriusbizinus says:

            No, I get the frustration and angst when talking with someone like that. I live with two people who more readily agree with Wally’s, CS’s, and CT’s points of view. Sometimes they pick fights just to get you to blow up; then they point and scream about militant atheists.

            And really my reluctance at using certain labels is because technically I’m off the wall barking mad too. I’m just not on the same drugs they are. 🙂


          • It’s like shouting at each other with neither one listening, and I include myself in that. But how can you have a sensible conversation with people who end every thought, premise, view etc with ‘Because God’. You might as well ask, ‘why is it raining today?’ ‘Because God.’ In a surreal exchange with this David, we got onto whether or not religion was above the law. No. Except for in some cases. OK, so what about Army of God? Who? (I provided a link). Oh they’re not Christian. They say they are. Etc. i find it odd that atheists are described as militant when the ones using all the military analogies are the christians.

            You remind me of the brilliant British comedian Spike Milligan who was admitted for a while, don’t know whether it was voluntary or not. When he came out, he smugly said, ‘I’m one of the few people who has a piece of paper that says I’m not mad’. (I paraphrase) The difference between you and any of the ones mentioned is that they scarily think they are correct, not barking off the wall. No, they know they are correct, Because God. Anyway, you also write and discuss much more lucidly.

            Liked by 1 person

  4. Hariod Brawn says:

    Ditto and double-ditto Sonmi on 1. Plus, I object when people do these stream-of-consciousness type comments. . . scattered with unnecessary and multiple ellipsis’. . . all drifty and vague. . . oh, I’m so with you on this I can hardly think coherently. . . wonderful. . . truth is. . . I can’t be arsed to write properly. . . marvellous!

    Otherwise: “There’s nowt so queer as folk”

    All the best Roughseas,


    Liked by 1 person

    • But have you actually had lots of trolls?

      I like ellipses … preferably when they are spaced correctly 😉 Worse is txtspk on blgs though, U know wot I mean? Ugh.

      Thank you. And to you.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hariod Brawn says:

        I’ve never knowingly had a troll at my place, though I noticed you saying above that Akismet may catch them, and as I never look at my spam due to its volume, I really wouldn’t know. I’m not certain what my response would be, though I might be inclined to pass a troll comment and leave it there without a response – what you might call the ‘give ’em enough rope’ policy.

        “Spaced correctly” – you cheeky sod! I had always understood that the ellipsis should itself be spaced, unlike yours! 😛 Come on then, fight back, you know you can’t resist it. 😉


        • I delete the spam regularly. I must be failing in my attractivity (word?) as they seem to have dropped off. I chuck them if they appear. Just lowers the tone. If that’s pissible. Er possible. Letters are too close together.

          OK, I’m putty.

          Firstly, I personally prefer…

          I love the implication. I think it is perfect. However …

          Secondly, both Harts (British) and Chicago (American, surprisingly) require a space either side of an ellipsis.

          One American guide, maybe Chic, not sure, requires a space between each full point, or period as they would say.

          I use the computer (Halpad in this case) setting for an ellipsis because a) it is there and b) theoretically and typographically it is correct. If you use full points and spaces in hard copy you could end up with a line break mid ellipsis.

          Phew. Does that make sense? I need to lie down!

          Liked by 1 person

          • Hariod Brawn says:

            Dear Ms. Putty,

            It would seem that as regards the ellipsis challenge we are at once both right and both wrong, or perhaps neither. I must say, when you refer to ending up with a line break mid-ellipsis, then the prospect of this causes deep distress, and inevitably in these poxy comment boxes, one falls foul of the same – see my original comment above. 😮 This is a great unresolved dilemma in my life, whether to persist with placing a space between each full point of the ellipsis, or not. I so dislike ugly typesetting, and perhaps the solution is to adopt your rather unorthodox un-spaced ellipsis when commenting in WordPress.

            First-world problems from a puzzling person?



          • I merely serve those who make the rules:

            An ellipsis (plural ellipses ) is a series of points (…) signalling that words have been omitted from quoted matter, or that part of a text is missing or illegible. Omitted words are marked by three full points ( not asterisks) printed on the line. They can be set as a single character (Unicode code point U+2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS ), and many word processors will autocorrect three dots into a single glyph. Some publishers prefer either normal word spaces or fixed (narrower) spaces between the points (… or …). A normal word space is set either side in running text: I will not … sulk about having no boyfriend Political language … is designed to make lies sound truthful

            Liked by 1 person

  5. cobbies69 says:

    maybe it is me being more accepting,, but isn’t it mostly the way one reads people and not always are we right. I used to be very good at reading people but today I do not. You may think ill of me but I cannot see any offence to calling a postwoman a postwoman especially if she is a woman or policeman if he is a man, but if referring to these trades in general then post persons or police officers or firefighters is good. Americans have often used the term firefighters etc. Mt post delivery person is a man so I refer to him as postman.
    My moderation is set at default, I have not altered it, and as one of your commenters said it only comes into action on new bloggers comments. I have been grateful for it several times. I have had some shit in my box.
    Our election is in action and is already boring me, I recall back in the 60’s 70’s when these people were saying the same ole same ole. nothing changes, just the faces. I shall stop doing (……) heehee!


    • Of course we don’t read people right. But sometimes, it is pretty clear.

      I think yes, if Ronnie is your postman, that is OK. If you wish to refer to people who deliver the mail generally then postman is not OK as you point out. To turn it round how many people refer to postwomen, firewomen, policewomen, as the default?

      They don’t.

      I am obviously not writing attractive posts. Not only have I had minimal spam on my blog, I’m not even get any caught in the Akismet filter at the moment!

      I’ve seen some UK news clips. It is so wearying isn’t it?

      Liked by 1 person

      • cobbies69 says:

        Tiresome hearing one party criticise the other. Nothing being said by themselves, I actually have to admire Cameron he seems to have stayed quiet and not involved in tv debates if they can be called that. Haven’t made my mind up maybe, I dont know..


  6. davidprosser says:

    I’ve had 3 comments for moderation this morning from people who’ve been commenting for years yet I haven’t set it and others are OK. Something strange has happened to WordPress recently.

    I’m happy enough to go gender neutral these days since I see as many women doing what was a male only job before and vice versa.

    I’m always in trouble on religious sites for asking too many uncomfortable questions and having the temerity to be non-religious.I do get banned. It’s as bad as U.S. politics. When Obama was elected I went on a site to ask some genuine questions about why they didn’t like him and the health bill ( which I thought showed promise back then). I didn’t like being fobbed off with answers like “He’s the Devil’s spawn” etc and wanted clarification as to why if he was so bad he got elected. Why if the church says he’s the son of the devil do a certain number of Christian churches say vote for him? Wasn’t long before I wasn’t welcome on that site either and carried a few threats and insults with me when I left. The nearest I got on the health bill was ” We’re Americans, it’s a consumer society, we don’t like something for nothing”. Sick puppies.

    Sending Huge Hugs Kate xxxx


    • Something strange is always happening with WP. beep boop etc.

      I think part of the problem with gender neutral language is that some people think it is a token political gesture (ie pc) but it isn’t. It’s a very meaningful attempt to change how we regard our society and the people who contribute. Calling a woman police officer a policeman, or referring to any officer generally as a policeman is downright disrespectful.

      I can’t imagine anyone banning you! Their health care obsession is weird. Remember when Hillary was trying to push it through years back and got nowhere? It’s not something for nothing though, is it? We pay NI. Sometimes we need the care, mostly, touch wood we don’t. But at least we don’t have an insurer telling us we’ve run out of cover, and further costs incur house sales, savings gone etc. totally agree with you. A consumer society to avoid.


  7. 2) Why do people oppose gender neutral language?

    Sociological mechanics are rarely simple Roughseas, and they rarely change overnight or after one decade, sometimes even a century or two. That seems to be a human condition I think. But change will no doubt happen; it always does. But let’s ponder this a bit and what we know now…

    Perhaps all 7.3+ billion humans should all change their names to reflect not male/female associations, but instead a life-experience like the Native American Indians use, or if not that, perhaps one name 7.3+ billion times to “I, Robot” reminiscent of that great 2004 Will Smith film! That would be VERY neutral and non-offensive to anyone and everyone. Taken a step further as to remain neutral, all those “I, Robots” had no genitalia — that’s a fantastic idea for total neutrality! Another further step with this (in)sane logic is that modern genetics has proven that all human beings are less than 1% different — we’re 99% alike! I’m the same as you Roughseas! 😛 The differences are minuscule, probably… oh dear, should I dare say it(?)… just sexual? HOLD YOUR HORSES TONTO!!! One out of every 1,666 births — according to the Intersex Society of North America — have no XX or XY chromosonal distinction in structure! And if that doesn’t make things complicated for the average Joe/Jane on the street, epigenetic research and neurohormonal theory are showing that gender-sexual genetics can function polygenitically! Sound the sirens, for those human egos that want (crave? demand?) individual one-in-7.3-billion “uniqueness,” they may be shit-outta-luck! Hmmm, perhaps we should all just concede and embrace that we are all one I, Robot on a planet of 7.3+ billion I, Robots. Nothing identifiably unique at all so all human feelings, all human integrity — at the expense of uniqueness — are protected at all costs.

    When I consider alternatives of gender-specific, sexual-orientation language and identity, etc… it seems messy, it seems imperfect, and it seems as paradoxically simple and convolutedly complex as the some 8.7 million different living species on Earth that we are so closely like! 😮

    Obviously a TON of patience and diligent understanding would be a good human trait as we “identically diverse” beings sort this out over the coming centuries or milleniums. But what do I know. LOL 😉


    • Oh no. You could have warned me. But, OK, as ever, I’ll rise to your tantalising bait.

      1) I haven’t seen I Robot.

      2) Intersexuality is not the same as sexism in a patriarchal society.

      3) You should really have got in a plug for the gender binary.

      4) You and I are most definitely not alike. Must get that one in.

      5) you are just really talking from a privileged male patriarchal perspective and dismissing the overt sexism in gender-specific language.

      Does that suit?

      Liked by 1 person

      • LOL…it’s suitable from one…umm, person… of 7.3+ billion persons. However, being a big “team-player” of the/our Human Family, I’m more moved/”suited” by MORE THAN one person. 😉 ❤


        • I see it’s going to take a little more than a couple of blog comments to shift you from your sexist perspective. I won’t go so far as to call you misogynist. I don’t think that would quite ring true 💕

          Liked by 1 person

          • Mmmm, thank you my Lady. I humbly bow in graciousness for that compliment. ❤

            Sexist? Not always the right word to be a "catch-all" for all cultures, all the time. I have many female friends, ex-girlfriends, 2-3 female Soul MateS, a sister, a Mother, who all do not mind one bit being called by their female-associated first names, or as a woman, or as a female, or Ms's, Mrs. because it is accurate and acceptable in my part of the world and many other parts of the world I have been to and lived. 🙂

            Understand though please Roughseas, I don't go out in search of insulting women, and for that matter any of the human race, like you… who is 99% like me. 😀


          • Come on, we both know you have a lot of knowledge and experience, but I have a few women friends and relatives is dredging the bottom for coming up with ‘I’m not sexist’. I haven’t even said you are! Just that your perspective appeared to be.

            Yeah, well, we’ve discussed where you live in boho swinging progressive US of A elsewhere.

            Now I don’t care what anyone else says, unless someone understands the concepts of feminism, they do not call the shots.

            And I am not 1% like you. At all. Out of principle.


          • …unless someone understands the concepts of feminism…

            Can you give me 3-4 different weblinks that you feel define global feminism? I would appreciate that so I can learn. 🙂

            Btw, I think you missed the gist/spirit of my initial comment, but maybe others will comment on it giving a different interpretation than you…

            …or not. LOL 😛


          • Sure I’ll just spend a few hours finding you some links. On the other hand, check out the last post and the ultimate link on there. Otherwise, would you like a one on one?
            Doubtless I did. Intelligence isn’t my strong point.

            Liked by 1 person

          • …check out the last post and the ultimate link on there.

            Got it. The Fem 101 link? Right?
            One down, 2-3 more to go. You don’t have to spend “a few hours finding some links” — just 7-8 hours would be fine. 😀


          • Anything for you darling. Trouble is, I’ve lost my radfem forum link and they wouldn’t let you in anyway. So you’re rejecting the personal tuition? 😦


          • Anything for you darling.

            Mmmm, the power that sort of language has on me! 😈 😉

            Trouble is, I’ve lost my radfem forum link and they wouldn’t let you in anyway.

            Go figure. I’ve been refused entry to several such groups (Lesbian, Gay, Tejano, Hip-Hop, and Womens Night Out, to name five) no matter how much I beg them that I’m NEUTRAL and/or supportive of their cause. But alas, I’m rudely discriminated against for being a heterosexual German-French Steampunk-Gothic-80’s-90’s-Electronika dancing MAN. Seems there’s always somebody, some group that covets & divides themselves as Elitist from the/our Human Family. 😦

            So you’re rejecting the personal tuition?

            No, I am happy to learn & understand your version, but as is often the wise path, when getting a doctor’s prognosis of $200,000 needed surgery, it’s good to get some other opinions/perspectives, not from just ONE doctor. 😉

            Btw, that Fem 101 post was primarily on misogynist language, which I find very offensive and as you mentioned, not at all applicable to me — and I clearly know/recognize misogyny; there’s no place for it in society. Period. Are there some other weblinks for a global definiton of sexism than I’ve found so far? Because so far none of them I’ve read define anything about me… especially my conscious purposeful behavior & daily language. Can you give me some (3 or 4) that would NAIL ME? 🙂


          • New comment as thread too thin.


  8. makagutu says:

    #5 Math can be hard. But then again, Ark is right most times when he says some people are dumb as soup
    #4 I would write them a long letter as a response
    #3 That bothers me the least. Most commenters on my blog are members of the choir. I only come in when I see a misunderstanding turning ugly. Other than that, people can take whatever tangent they desire. It’s just a blog post, life can’t be that serious.
    #2 That’s the most tricky one. Change is difficult to accpet
    #1 That, I would need help understanding. There is a post I wrote last year I guess, it gets I think all the spam I get. SoM is included in my spam comments.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I’ve been refused entry to several such groups (Lesbian, Gay, Tejano, Hip-Hop, and Womens Night Out, to name five) no matter how much I beg them that I’m NEUTRAL and/or supportive of their cause. But alas, I’m rudely discriminated against for being a heterosexual German-French Steampunk-Gothic-80’s-90’s-Electronika dancing MAN. Seems there’s always somebody, some group that covets & divides themselves as Elitist from the/our Human Family. 😦

    I can understand that.

    Seriously, radfem groups want private space. Feminist forums with the MENZ jumping all over, telling women about feminism, mansplaining? Been there, watched it, and fucked it right off.

    So you’re rejecting the personal tuition?
    No, I am happy to learn & understand your version, but as is often the wise path, when getting a doctor’s prognosis of $200,000 needed surgery, it’s good to get some other opinions/perspectives, not from just ONE doctor. 😉

    You should have a national health service, much easier.

    But otherwise, when you have a good doctor with serious credentials, why bother with with the tat?

    Btw, that Fem 101 post was primarily on misogynist language, which I find very offensive and as you mentioned, not at all applicable to me — and I clearly know/recognize misogyny; there’s no place for it in society. Period.

    I think there are a few more posts on there, should you choose to browse. A bit like asking me to peruse your blog.

    Are there some other weblinks for a global definiton of sexism than I’ve found so far? Because so far none of them I’ve read define anything about me… especially my conscious purposeful behavior & daily language. Can you give me some (3 or 4) that would NAIL ME? 🙂

    I don’t know enough to nail you. If you were that interested you would have looked them up yourself. I could hazard a guess at nailing you though …


    • Seriously, radfem groups want private space. Feminist forums with the MENZ jumping all over, telling women about feminism, mansplaining? Been there, watched it, and fucked it right off.

      Seems we have even more percentage points alike of those 99% likeness/similarities aforementioned! 😀

      But otherwise, when you have a good doctor with serious credentials, why bother with with the tat?

      Because doctors are human and humans are not perfect 100% of the time, 24/7, 365 days a year — a wide array of feedback, polling, consensus, etc, is often a proven method for reducing errancies in one or two feminist humans. 🙂 😉

      I think there are a few more posts on there, should you choose to browse. A bit like asking me to peruse your blog.

      It does all take time doesn’t it? But like most fine things in life, most finer people in life… they take quality and quantitative time. If anyone discovers instantaneous wisdom-absorbtion to the brain & heart, I sure want to know! LOL

      I could hazard a guess at nailing you though …

      “Hazard” is a very intriguing word choice. HAH!!! Hazard for both of us? 😀


      • Seems we have even more percentage points alike of those 99% likeness/similarities aforementioned! 😀

        Oh no. I am not buying into that.

        humans are not perfect 100% of the time, 24/7, 365 days a year — a wide array of feedback, polling, consensus, etc, is often a proven method for reducing errancies in one or two feminist humans. 🙂 😉

        I am inerrant. As per the bible.

        I could hazard a guess at nailing you though …
        “Hazard” is a very intriguing word choice. HAH!!! Hazard for both of us? 😀

        I’m pretty good on character assessment. On the conservative side, 99.9%.

        Liked by 1 person

  10. On the (somewhat) brighter side my son just completed his B.Eng. degree from Memorial U. When I looked at a picture he showed me of the graduating class from the engineering faculty I was pleased to see a significant number of women in the picture. No, it was not quite 50:50; more like 60:40 but quite a nice change from the other pictures on the wall, some of which have only a handful of women taken from a class of around 200. But, no, it’s not all good. The movement towards parity in gender bias is due more to the efforts of the administration–Deans in particular–than the industry, much of which can only be described as populated by misogynistic dinosaurs. My son told me in no uncertain terms that the hiring is still terribly gender biased. Take for example Suncor, the large oil company that is heavily involved in extracting oil from the Athabasca Tar Sands (the oil company wants us all to call them the oil sands, by the way), hires around 50 students each semester for work-terms (paid internships, and to its credit, the company pays the students well). How about this: typically it will hire around 45 men and 5 women, even though the gender bias would suggest that the numbers should be more like 30 men and 20 women. My take on this–things in industry won’t change until those old men from the old boys club are retired and gone.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Congrats to your son. B Eng aint easy. Apart from anything else my university pals had classes all day! The horror!

    It’s bizarre. Good enough to be selected for university, to graduate, but not to be employed. Mmmm read a great post on that. I’ll add the link below.


  12. (trying to catch up on reading – and so much has already been said)
    I am a little annoyed when every time a comment on certain blogs, it goes to “moderation” – I mean, seriously? Been here before…sigh.
    But I do have the first time comment moderation on my blog. Had some horrible trolls – ugly. Tough when you first start blogging – some seem to wait for beginning blogs as I have seen them on other newcomers’ in the past few years. And sometimes they return. When something goes into moderation, I go to their place to check them out before approving – many in the past 2 years have been “fake blogs”, so not sure I really want to trust them accessing all of my readers’ emails/blog addresses. Sadly I turned off the reblog option as a couple of annoying were constantly snagging content and simply filling their blog with reblogs.
    People who call other’s names/personal attacks don’t have any wit, skill of conversation, or real information to debate with….and usually rely on emotion (often illogical) and inflammatory language instead of logic, reason, facts. They usually bore me after toying with them for a bit.


    • And I’m trying to catch up on comments! Let alone reading.

      Moderation for seriously difficult issues, maybe, but more than once? And for uncontentious blogs? Really exciting book review blogs? That get stuff all visits anyway?

      I started blogging so many years ago and I’m usually on top of crap. I have reblog turned off. I put it on by request for people I know. I don’t see the added value although I do remember reblogging a dog one of yours way back 🙂

      Cat’s with mice huh?

      Liked by 1 person

  13. EllaDee says:

    1) I don’t suppose I can simply comment “ditto what PMOTH said”, so… although I don’t do it myself and have been fortunate to have not had bad experiences, I can understand why some bloggers wish to moderate comments, but as you say I like to read other comments, for many of the blogs I follow have wonderful commenters who I often follow as well; an engaging community.
    2) They can’t be bothered. They are ignorant. And worse. I had an appalling experience last week when a neighbour launched into a misogynist gossipy sledge against someone we know. I walked away in disgust but the G.O. whose friend he is, let him have it. Some people are just idiots.
    3) They think a platform is a pedestal. Incorrect. It’s a leveller.
    4) Bin it. None of their business.
    5) We make a practice of using people we know or local people where we can, and paying fair money. You get what you pay for, on many levels.
    Me too. After being away last week, spending much time interacting in person, some of whom were bloody annoying, I’m happy to be back in the virtual world where I can pick who I associate with.


    • I had some abuse on blogger, but nothing on here. The only moderating I’ve done is one person who I thought went OTT.
      The resistance against gender neutral language is driving me up the wall. Talk about a backlash.
      Nicely put. Or it’s a meeting place. But only when you choose.
      It was good for a shopping list.
      I like the virtual world too. I wish I could meet similar people in the real one.


  14. disperser says:

    Hey! You turned “Like” on.

    I had to hit it, regardless if you knew I read the piece or not (I did, but had no comment – same as the last few).


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