
There were times

when I thought

we almost understood each other.

Something special

something together







Until one day

it stopped.

About roughseasinthemed

I write about my life as an English person living in Spain and Gibraltar, on Roughseas, subjects range from politics and current developments in Gib to book reviews, cooking and getting on with life. My views and thoughts on a variety of topics - depending on my mood of the day - can be found over on Clouds. A few pix are over on Everypic - although it is not a photoblog. And of course my dog had his own blog, but most of you knew that anyway. Pippadogblog etc
This entry was posted in childhood, death, dogs, family, friendships, life, love, parents, poetry, thoughts. Bookmark the permalink.

12 Responses to Lost

  1. Vicky says:

    Time moves on, and with it life changes, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse.
    With time we mature and with maturity we have a totally different view on a life we once accepted.


    • I think maturity is a good point. Our perspective does alter.

      And yet, there are some relationships that change so much, some can be retrieved, others can’t.

      It can be any relationship, familial, friendship, lover, and whatever I may have missed.

      But once it goes past a certain point, there is no going back.


  2. cobbies69 says:

    And there is not always an explanation..


  3. Heart breaking prose,
    Lost? Another time to say good by? Forever? Maybe it would be the right thing to explain if possible, but even if not, how about just being truthful,and honest about feelings that affect the lives of others?
    I don’t want to be where there are false feelings no matter what those feelings are, or why.


    • I think there are times in many relationships when people can’t be as open as they wish. Not saying they indulge in deceit or lies, just that truth and feelings are left unsaid.

      Like you I prefer honesty and openness in feelings, because so many times, lack of it leads to total confusion and misunderstanding. I also understand that sometimes, there’s not a lot of value in saying anything though. Not the right time, not the complete picture, circumstances are always so different, and often difficult.

      I do agree with you.


      • Hello ms~
        I have not been able to get this post Lost out of mind since yesterday. I do echo your feelings on this I can see. Its such a sensitive thing this love, and so precarious at times.

        It can be a difficult thing talking in generalities and yet try to convey a message. I see the superficial communication as a way to try to process for those who are unable to find their voice.

        My feelings and beliefs have always held that given the comfort and security of an honest unconditional love the voice will be discovered. Unless of course there is just no voice at all. And I recognize this happens,

        On a personal level I have experienced this no voice at all thing recently. It is frustrating for me when you know the person once had that voice but stopped caring to nurture it for whatever reason. (because this is certainly not being shared either) Talk can be awfully cheap when its made on a superficial level, just for the sake of finding a way to bury the head in the sand and to cover up real feelings and emotions.

        I obviously am relating from a personal space, and do hope you will forgive for just running with my feelings here with you & your blog. You never fail to inspire and invoke very deep feelings Ms. I like that about you & our chats.


        • Thank you BB, a lovely comment from the heart.

          I originally had this drafted in my head, thinking about a particular scenario, and realised it could relate to so many, so altered a word or two.

          I very much appreciate it when the minimalist words I write resonate with readers. I was always terrible at ‘traditional’ ie rhyming verse, but I was so inspired by some of the poetry on blogs I read, that I suddenly wanted to try and capture emotions in a few words.

          And I like the simplicity too, plus the ambiguity. I like that people take what they want out of my words, and relate to their own experience. Rather than wondering ‘what did she mean by that?’

          I am, very pleased that you did relate to it, and could understand what I was trying to achieve with my words. Very much appreciate you taking the time to write down your feelings – which took far longer than my original post!!


I appreciate any comments you leave, so long as they are relatively polite. And thanks for reading.