On journalism (1) – it’s all in the name

Journalism, as everyone knows, is the most exciting, well-paid and rewarding job any ambitious graduate who thinks they can write, can aspire to.

Including those who end their sentences with prepositions. And start them with conjunctions.

But back in olden days I would never have dreamed of doing either of those.

Like half of the graduating world I applied to the BBC. I seriously feel for the personnel/HR staff in such a prestigious company who are not only inundated throughout the year but also get the annual flood of applications from about-to-graduate students.

Like most of that half of the graduating world I got nowhere with that, so set my sights a bit lower. The local reasonable quality daily and a somewhat less reasonable quality weekly, both in the same group of newspapers.

My great-uncle had worked for years on the weekly as news and sport reporter, and was a regular correspondent for The Daily Telegraph. My older cousin/godmother had worked for the daily paper, albeit in advertising. [Note, journalists look down on advertising staff even though we rely on the income they bring in for the company].

Sadly nepotism was not alive and kicking and I failed to even get an interview on either. The editor of great uncle’s weekly wrote back and said he had just recruited some other junior reporters. A likely story I thought.

Luckily, a few months later, a sister paper in the company advertised a vacancy. I went for the interview and landed the job. What I didn’t know was that the editor had already interviewed someone else and offered her the job. If I had would it have made any difference? Would I have declined gracefully? Of course not. I wanted a foot in the door, the only difference it would have made, is that I might have been a bit more aware that I was working for an immoral untrustworthy bastard.

And in fact, after a few weeks, someone else left, so the other person was offered a job anyway. So all was well with the world, except that she didn’t exactly like me. Especially as the new person had to do tea and coffee duty in the morning. As I didn’t drink either I was crap at making the morning cuppa anyway, and everyone was probably extremely relieved that I was quickly dismissed from that duty.

So what was the heady life of a trainee journalist like?? Well, I actually did think it was exciting. But I would have found visiting and writing up flower shows exciting and was rather sad I didn’t get to do that (reports got sent in of prizewinners and we just typed them up).

In the morning, I usually did ‘calls.’ Which were obviously, ‘phone calls, to hospital, fire, and ambulance to find out what amazing disasters had happened overnight. Then I would amble off to the police station to hear about yet another dead cat or an RTA (road traffic accident) that involved a blue Ford and a red Vauxhall colliding. They always had to collide so that no blame was imputed to either of them. On the way back I brought back the sandwich/pie orders from the local Greggs (?maybe) bakery.

The rest of the day consisted of chasing up human interest stories, going to court, juvenile and magistrates, or council meetings. Occasionally there was a juicy story in Crown Court in one of the big cities so that meant a nice day out.

If we worked through, or part-way through a lunch hour, we got a couple of quid, and similarly for an evening job. There was a strange distinction between staying late, a ‘tea’ job, and going home and out again which was a ‘supper’ job. Say at the time, £1.50 for tea, and £3.20 for an evening job. We also got time off in lieu for evening work, which was invariably either a council meeting or a review of some local amateur production.

To make a decent profit on your expenses though, you needed a car. Bus or train trips were rubbish because you just got reimbursed the cost of the ticket. The mileage allowance however was generous, and the distances on the ‘official’ list for our destinations out-of-office were even more generous. Put the two together and on a wage of £77 a week you could come out with half as much again.

Exes (expenses) was the very first job on Monday morning. The Chief Reporter dished out the forms and there was silence in the office for probably the most creative moments of the week.

We had a house style guide. I liked this. I liked the simpleness and the clarity and the rules. When we wrote about planning applications we couldn’t write erection – usually for a garden shed, or occasionally to erect a two-bed dwelling. We had to use construct or build or whatever. We couldn’t say facility – it was too vague. We had to describe exactly what it was.

Our intros had to be within the prescribed limits. Twelve words was regarded as the minimum and not to be used too often, twenty being a rather good one, and thirty being the absolute limit. Any more than that and it was regarded as being one of the long-winded dropped-intro styles of the Sunday Express. [A long descriptive par for the intro, and the actual point of the story is hidden somewhere about half-way down or even further]. The intro for this post is 23 words – to save you the effort of going back and counting.

We did the classic Who What Where When Why. Usually in that order. And we double-checked lists, and wedding forms. It is not good to make mistakes in a wedding report. We wrote them in advance, but waited for the photographs to come through before the copy was submitted to the editor. Even worse than getting the names wrong in a wedding report is to publish the one that never happened….

I made mistakes. One of them managed to combine a wedding and a name. If an unusual advert gets placed, the advertising staff ring up the reporters and say ‘you might be interested in following this up as a story.’

This particular one was about a wedding that hadn’t happened. The wording was strange, so I went to chase it up feeling embarrassed about poking my nose in. Not a good reaction for a journalist to have, I might add. I came back with not much of a story and handed it over to the Deputy Chief Reporter to read through. Copy from juniors was rigorously checked by seniors, before it even got to be subbed.

‘Did you check the spelling?’ she asked. ‘Yes’, I said, ‘It’s Anne with an E’ (or whatever it was).

‘The surname,’ she said witheringly, as only a senior reporter can, to a junior one who has just made one of THE classic mistakes.

I gulped. Of course I hadn’t. In my embarrassment I had been so keen to get out of there, I had checked the obvious and never even thought about the wretched surname. ‘Well, it’s usually spelled like that,’ I said. Hopefully.

‘Go back and check,’ she said. Nooooooo! Yet more cringing embarrassment. I went back and checked. I had guessed right.

I still got another lecture from the DCR though. Enough was enough. If I was going to be sacked over this or hauled in front of the editor and given a warning, they had better hurry it up. What to say? I went for the obvious.

‘I’m sorry,’ I said. ‘I was wrong. I should have checked.’

‘I’m impressed,’ she stated regally. ‘I like someone who has the courage to admit they were wrong and apologise.’ After that her attitude wasn’t half as shitty towards me. Takes all sorts huh.

And what did I find myself doing many years later to a trainee PR person? ‘Have you checked the spelling of her name?’ I asked.

‘Yes,’ she said very positively. I wasn’t convinced. We had a discussion about it. NO, she had definitely checked and there was no E on the end of the surname.

For goodness’ sake, the surname was something like Montgomery. The first name was Claire. With an E. [Names changed to protect the not-remotely-innocent].

She resigned not long afterwards although I am sure my bossy senior PR manager attitude had nothing to do with it. I guess she will be flashing her long hair around the place still, gazing fetchingly at older men and still mis-spelling names.

Golden rule number 1. Always, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, check how someone spells their name.

About roughseasinthemed

I write about my life as an English person living in Spain and Gibraltar, on Roughseas, subjects range from politics and current developments in Gib to book reviews, cooking and getting on with life. My views and thoughts on a variety of topics - depending on my mood of the day - can be found over on Clouds. A few pix are over on Everypic - although it is not a photoblog. And of course my dog had his own blog, but most of you knew that anyway. Pippadogblog etc
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18 Responses to On journalism (1) – it’s all in the name

  1. Dana says:

    As someone who’s looking to go into journalism, this was a very interesting insight into the way the journalism world works. Also, the section on looking for jobs is frightening me, to say the least! Very funny and insightful post 😀


    • Thanks Dana. I think the appropriate word is ‘worked’. I make no pretence that this is up-to-date, although tbh I doubt little has changed. Certainly on looking for jobs. I’ll be making a mini-series of posts on the topic as I couldn’t get half-way near enough into one post! Like this one, they will be a mix of anecdotes, basic tips, and some factual info. So, if you want to check back, I’ll probably write every one or two days, as I did with the previous series.


  2. Real life observations of the job. Simply adore this line, ” journalists look down on advertising staff even though we rely on the income they bring in for the company” – so true! The office silence on Mondays with the expense forms (” probably the most creative moments of the week.”) sounds so familiar. All the writing requirements and rules!
    Great post – you should teach an on-line course on this stuff.


    • Thanks. The elitist of the journalists over the ad staff was always something else again – and I hold up my hand and say I was just as guilty as the rest. After all, we follow the example of our peers don’t we?

      I joked about Monday morning exes but it was a very good discipline, and one I lost outside of journalism. I think I should reintroduce that rigour into my personal life. Money before stories 😉

      I did do a couple of classes at work which I really enjoyed, so will be including that in a future post. Self-marketing is one thing I always seem to fail to get round to doing. It’s not very British.


  3. Blu says:

    Ahh those were the days when journalism was a respected profession. Now we have Rupert Murdoch and family to thank for the fact that journalists are now some of the most despised people in the UK, more so than even estate agents and used car sales people.


    • Yes, it certainly wasn’t like it is now. Not sure about respected – although reporters from local newspapers were regarded as being pretty straight, and most people liked being interviewed. There was some reasonable status went with it if that was your thing. I probably did like that back then.

      I remember the respect dropping some years ago though when journos managed to gain themselves the enviable reputation of being on a par with politicians. 😦 Now that is seriously bad.

      I have a great novel, although not that great as I can’t remember the title or the author, about seedy journalism. Must look it up for a future post.


      • Blu says:

        Of course I should mention here that whilst you were busy journalisting and biting the advertising hand that fed you, I was slaving over a hot 747 travelling round the globe selling advertising to support the free distribution of medical journals to tens of thousands of doctors across the Middle East, Africa and Asia.

        I was, perhaps oddly, also a member of the editorial board which consisted of some of the most eminent UK physicians of the time; I didn’t feel looked down on at all.



        • Hey, I didn’t bite, just snootily looked down. Although our advertising staff weren’t flying on 747s 😀

          Ah, UK physicians. They looked down on me for managing a clinical service until my whizzy journalist skills started to produce something useful. I think they appreciate a skill whatever it is, even if you do appear to invade their space (you probably didn’t).


  4. Good story – it must surely be easier now with an on-line thesaurus and a spill chocker?


    • 😀 Good one. I never use them incidentally. OK, I do use a dic sometimes, but not the spell check for exactly that raeson.

      ETA shd have used a different word as yours would have got through and mine wouldn’t!


  5. Very apposite. Strangley I was driving the Sussex countryside today and radio 4 had a programme about the troubles of local daily papers and turning daily’s into weekly’s becaue they could not compete with the historic debt they had accumulated. It also talked about the new methods of providing local news by multimedia online presence.

    Isn’t it odd how many people can be thinking of the same thing at the same time with no apparent connection.

    I really enjoyed this, thank you.


    • I think one of the interesting aspects of journalism is the significant changes that have taken place over the last say 30 years, so that will probably be a post in itself. I think I may include something about the changing standards too 😀 Thanks.


  6. free penny press says:

    It’s odd that as much as I used to write as a teen and in college journalism never interested me. I think because I would have been tasked with writing about boring flower shows or an upcoming event. Also, I’m brutally honest and am quite certain my pieces would have been edited all to hell.
    Interesting write on you travels down that road.


I appreciate any comments you leave, so long as they are relatively polite. And thanks for reading.